The Ordinance of Government (Al-Ahkam al –Sultaniyah w’al Wilayat al-Diniyya)
Garnet Publishing, United Kingdom


Talking about the performance of government and the apparatus involved in the public services, it cannot be separated from the concepts and principles of governance, rules and regulations that exist in the implementation of governance (good governance). If the term good governance which was promoted by IMF (International Monetary Fund), World Bank, or UN (United Nations) agencies such as UNDP (United Nations for Development Project) in the late 1990s was a term now widely known in various countries, notably to countries that are not yet developing or have been developing in the ‘third world’ such as Asia, Africa and South America (Hout, 2007) and are solely related to aid politics [1]Hout, Wil. (2007). The Politics of Aid Selectivity: Good governance criteria, in World Bank, US and Dutch development assistance, USA-Canada: Routledge. to these countries then the governance and principles of government rule had been firstly applied by Islamic civilization.


1 Hout, Wil. (2007). The Politics of Aid Selectivity: Good governance criteria, in World Bank, US and Dutch development assistance, USA-Canada: Routledge.
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